Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain free download | in 5 parts with single torrent link

Metal Gear Solid 5 free download 

Welcome to the Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain wiki guide, a walkthrough that takes you through every stage and secret of the newest game by Hideo Kojima. Metal Gear 5 bridges the gap in Snake and Big Boss's story between Ground Zeroes and Metal Gear.
Since MGS5 launched, of course, we’ve had the addition of Metal Gear Online, adding proper team-based, competitive multiplayer to the in-game, asynchronous multiplayer features of the (thankfully optional) F.O.B. system – or at least as long as you’re not playing on PC.
Metal Gear Online hasn’t exactly had the warmest of responses, stung by stability issues at launch and criticised for balance and other gameplay issues ever after. Some of these have now been fixed, with proper host migration added to stop sulky hosts on the losing team spoiling a perfectly good match, while weapons and classes have seen some rebalancing to make them more or less effective.

And fortunately, for us, the players who visit this violent husk of a world, leaving our trademarks on its scorched earth and igniting all we touch, there are many, many things to do. In the lengthy process of wresting control of the wasteland from its brutal, established warlords, you’ll destroy their refineries, kill their Top Dogs, burn their fuel depots, and topple their gruesome intimidation totems. All of these activities are great, and engaging in their own right, but they begin to suffer from diminishing returns as their rinse/repeat nature sinks in down the stretch. 

Well, it can be good, especially when it plays to The Phantom Pain’s existing strengths. Bounty Hunter mode, for example, might effectively be Team Deathmatch, but the way the best players are tagged with bounties makes it much more interesting, particularly once knocking them out and using the Fulton Recovery System becomes a quick, attractive way of turning a match around.


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